Author Archives: hcannon
Alcohol Consumption & Dental Impact
I like to joke with my patients and friends that “I solve all of my [...]
How Often Should You get Dental X-rays?
When I first entered private practice in 1998 and settled here in Bountiful, Utah, it [...]
Waterpipe Smoking Linked to Serious Oral Conditions
In recent years I have witnessed a significant increase in waterpipe use. It is estimated [...]
Six Steps To Quit Smoking
I have served as a dentist for over 17 years. All of that time has [...]
Finding Inspiration In Daily Living
I don’t consider myself unique. So when I report to you that I need to [...]
Can Baby Bottles Cause Tooth Decay?
I empathize with new parents because I’ve been there. I remember those late or interrupted [...]
Should I Brush or Floss First?
I get asked this question all the time. In fact, as I sat down to [...]
How One Dentist Successfully Lost Weight
As I have mentioned before, I am trying to be a marathon runner. My best [...]
Dentist Weekend Warrior to Marathon — Runners Beware!
I was returning from Phoenix, Arizona, where I had attended a course offered by Dr. [...]
How To Managing Anxiety & Stress as a Dentist
Dentistry is a dynamic, high-tech, challenging and fun profession. It requires fine neuro-motor skills, an [...]