Category Archives: Dental Education

Can Baby Bottles Cause Tooth Decay?

I empathize with new parents because I’ve been there. I remember those late or interrupted [...]

Should I Brush or Floss First?

I get asked this question all the time.  In fact, as I sat down to [...]

How To Managing Anxiety & Stress as a Dentist

Dentistry is a dynamic, high-tech, challenging and fun profession.  It requires fine neuro-motor skills, an [...]

Proper Care & Storage of Your Toothbrush

A recent study has hit the internet regarding toothbrush contamination.  Without going into too much [...]

Smokeless Tobacco and it’s Effects on Your Teeth

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 10.5% of U.S. young men ages 18-25 used [...]


Approximately 50 years ago the US surgeon general warned that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer [...]

Lowering Fluoride Levels In Drinking Water

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) yesterday announced that the optimal fluoride level [...]

Pure Fruit Juice and Infant Cavities

It is widely believed that unrestricted consumption of acidic beverages, such as juices and soft [...]

Updated Guideline on Antibiotics and Prosthetic Joints

An updated American Dental Association clinical practice guideline last evaluated in 2012, finds that in [...]

One out of Two Adults Over 30 has Periodontitis

“A new study from the CDC confirms that nearly one out of two adults age [...]