Healthy Corners of the Mouth – Angular Cheilitis
Angular cheilitis is a skin infection or inflammation found at the corners of the lips or around the lips. It is due to fungus (candida) or bacteria (Staphylococcus) that are able to thrive because of excessive moisture at the corners of the mouth or a microbial imbalance. Other risk factors include diabetes, people undergoing head and neck radiation treatment, and the immunocompromised.
People suffering from angular cheilitis may also have problems with deficiencies in iron, B12, and folate, as well as drooping of the corners of the mouth that promote a moist environment in facial wrinkles. This drooping of the mouth may be due to tooth loss, which allows the cheeks to sink in; poor fitting dentures that don’t create a “full” facial form; and perhaps even the aging process in combination with deficiencies mentioned earlier.
How do you know if you suffer from angular cheilitis? It is found at the corners of the mouth. It presents as a red, rash-like spot with tenderness, cracking of the skin and corners of the mouth, and sometimes ulceration.
Angular cheilitis photos. Notice the redness at the corners of the Mouth.