Gum Disease Is Widespread

Gum Disease Is Widespread

A recent article published in the Journal of Periodontology (, (and also linked online reported on the widespread problem of gum disease, also called periodontal disease.  Without going into the numbers and details (you can find them by following the links) we learn that nearly 50% of Americans are affected.

What is periodontal, or gum disease?  It is a disease that literally means “around the tooth”.  It describes an inflammatory destruction of tissues around teeth.  The results can lead to bleeding, pain, infection, loose teeth, and even loss of teeth.

What causes periodontal disease?  It is considered to be multi-factorial, which means there are many things that contribute to the disease:  genetics, specific types of bacteria, the immune system response, biting forces, stress, smoking, oral hygiene practices (brushing and flossing), to name a few factors.

Is there available treatment?  Yes!  In many cases treatment can prevent many of the symptoms of periodontal disease.  Brushing, flossing, irrigation, mouthrinses, antibiotics, mediating the immune system response, and professional cleanings can help.  Additionally, managing diabetes, exercise, stop smoking, and learn to manage stress can also help.  Of course, the genetic component is unavoidable.

I invite you to schedule an appointment in our office as soon as possible to evaluate and assess your level of dental and oral health.  Give us a call (801-292-3501).

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