Teens Consuming Sports Drinks For “Social Reasons” could lead to dental cavities

Teens Consuming Sports Drinks For “Social Reasons” could lead to dental cavities

BBS News (UK) (6/27) reports that “89% of Welsh 12 to 14-year-olds” consume high-sugar sports drinks, with 68% consuming these drinks “at least once a week,” according to research from the Cardiff University School of Dentistry. The researchers said many parents and children are unaware these drinks are not suitable for children. Maria Morgan, senior lecturer in dental public health, said, “The purpose of sports drinks are being misunderstood and this study clearly shows evidence of high school age children being attracted to these high sugar and low pH level drinks, leading to an increased risk of dental cavities, enamel erosion and obesity.”

The Daily Mail (6/27, Spencer) reports the researchers found about half of the teenagers are consuming these drinks for “social reasons” rather than performance-enhancing results. “If consumed socially and in large quantities, sports drinks can lead to serious problems, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and gout, as well as poor oral health,” the researchers said. “Non-athletes are consuming these drinks simply because of their nice taste.”

They taste good enough, and they are marketed well by companies, but They sound healthy, but sugar is a top ingredient for many sports and energy drinks. The American Academy of Pediatrics says sports drinks can be helpful for young athletes engaged in prolonged, vigorous physical activities, but unnecessary in most cases. Before your next sip, check the label to make sure your drink of choice is low in sugar or drink water.

Photo by JeepersMedia

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