Category Archives: Dental Education

Tips for Whiter Teeth

Everyone wants whiter teeth. There are numerous whitening products online, in retail stores, professional whitening [...]


Why You Should Get a Dentist for Your Kids by Age One

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, two to five-year-olds are the only [...]

Proper Brushing Technique

Brushing your teeth is an important part of your daily dental care.  For ideal oral [...]

Brushing Teeth with Arthritis

Arthritis is a pain in many ways.  For your teeth, arthritis can make brushing and [...]

Want to Quit Smoking?

According to UDA Action, a quarterly publication for dentists in Utah, 73% of smokers want [...]

New Research on Opioid Addiction

Researchers now believe that two successive opioid refills are sufficient to cause long-term opioid dependency.  [...]

Alcohol Consumption & Dental Impact

I like to joke with my patients and friends that “I solve all of my [...]

How Often Should You get Dental X-rays?

When I first entered private practice in 1998 and settled here in Bountiful, Utah, it [...]

Waterpipe Smoking Linked to Serious Oral Conditions

In recent years I have witnessed a significant increase in waterpipe use.  It is estimated [...]

Six Steps To Quit Smoking

I have served as a dentist for over 17 years. All of that time has [...]